You don’t need to be a “photographer” to take better photos.
This course shows you exactly how to shoot great photos now!

I was trying to help my cousin take a photo for her IG page, because my phone has a really good camera – but I had no idea what I was doing. Kevin happened to be watching us and offered to help. He showed me exactly what to do and within two minutes I had taken a “professional” photo. I couldn’t believe the difference – and he made it so easy!

Kiki L.


Kevin has been supporting my business enterprises with visual design, copywriting, and photography for nearly a decade, and at the highest level of excellence. I would not be where I am now, were it not for his work. Kevin is also an excellent teacher, and knows exactly how to move you from “zero to hero.”  For beginners interested in photography, his course is the 10x value you’re looking for.

Scotty S.


As a construction company, we need good photos to document and showcase our projects. I wanted to expand my role in the company, so I offered to start taking the photos. Kevin brought me up to speed on architectural photography in two short sessions, and now MY photos are going on the website and to prospective clients. Thank you Kevin !!!

Desiree F.


The Course

Video Modules

Mr. Puff’s Introduction to Digital Photography video course covers the most critical aspects of better photography for novice and rookie photographers: Mindset, Light, Composition, Subject and Story. Finally, to stay sane in a digital world, a short video on Workflow. (There’s even a bonus Appendix video for the aspiring geek-o-grapher!)

This course has two purposes, and two goals:


1. Immediately improve your photography

2. Give you a rock-solid foundation for growth


In this module, you’ll pickup the essential principles and concepts that differentiate pro photographers. We’ll also cover the technical basics of digital photography.


RUN TIME: 22 min.
1:43 – Think Like a Photographer
7:47 – Mistakes to Avoid
15:06 – Methods to Memorize


You may have heard the phrase, “God is light.”  Well, in photography, “Light is god.” In the second course module, you’ll learn to see and control light to best suit your photos.


RUN TIME: 34 min.
0:35 – Module 2: Light
1:42 – Light is Everything
4:27 – Control the Light
10:10 – Outdoor Light
24:34 – Indoor Light


The third course module covers the most critical aspects of organizing and arranging the elements in your photos to direct the viewer’s eye and create visual impact.


RUN TIME: 50 min.
00:34 – Module 3: Composition
04:36 – Principles of Composition
25:52 – Composing Better Photos
43:10 – Adding Interest to Photos


Keeping the main thing, the main thing -that’s what module 4 is all about. Discover the core principles of shooting people, places and things.


RUN TIME: 1 hr. 26 min.
0:52 – Module 4: Subject
02:25 – People
48:31 – Places
1:00:00 – Events
1:10:00 – Objects & Animals


In module 5, you’ll discover the final ingredients to your own secret sauce and bring all the building blocks together to tell stories without saying a word.


RUN TIME: 28 min.
00:47 – Module 5: Story
04:10 – Open & Closed Stories
13:25 – Adding Story Appeal


A consistent workflow is the secret to sanity. Module 6 will help you stay on track thru the most critical stages of your digital photography.


RUN TIME: 12 min.
00:52 – Module 6: Workflow
03:28 – Camera-Phone Basics
06:21 – Digital Cameras Basics

Bonus 30-min Appendix Video for aspiring Geek-o-graphers

(deeper dive into camera / computer workflow, may also help with insomnia)

Total Course: 4.5 hrs!

(Don’t worry, it’s FUN and goes FAST – you CAN do this!)


Student Photography

Can you SHOOT better than a 5th grader?

Checkout these 5th-12th grade student photos from various photography class assignments and challenges. Look for man vs. nature, time and motion, silhouettes, miniature worlds, and textures, just to name a few. When you grab the new video series, ask to join the private Facebook group where you can post your own challenge photos for feedback and random prize drawings! Click any photo to zoom in…


My Photography

As a professional photographer, I’ve built my business on shooting “people, places and things” – which probably covers 99% of what YOU will shoot in life as well. In the video course, we’ll cover the special challenges and best practices for each category; and especially those little “pro” secrets to really make your photos pop. Click any photo for a larger view…


Mr. Kevin Lynam

Master Explainer, Professional Demystifier, Experienced Creator and Exceptional Presenter of Great Ideas

30+ Years

In marketing and
visual communications

20+ Years

As a working professional

15+ Years

Teaching photography
and graphic design

My journey into teaching photography officially began when I moved to Dallas in 1994. I was hired by a regional advertising agency to be the senior art director on two key accounts: Poulan / WeedEater and Holiday Inn Brands for Latin American and the Caribbean.

These accounts thrust me into the world of high-end commercial photography. Almost overnight I began working directly with some of the best photographers and models in the business – not to mention in some of the best locations you could imagine!


First epiphany: The same basic tools and techniques used by professional photographers are available to you and me – and they’re in this course.


Sure, pro shooters may have decades of experience, a small fortune in equipment, high profile clients, and big budget projects. But at the end of the day, the pros are still shooting what you’re shooting: people, places and things.

The real difference between us and them is just a matter of scale. By reducing the scale and retaining the core tools and techniques, you can take a massive shortcut to improving your photography. That’s the purpose of this course.


Second epiphany: The 80/20 principle can bring anyone from zero-to-hero in just about any area of interest. This course is the 80/20 rule applied to photography.


Around 2004, I was approached by a large homeschool co-op about teaching classes on photography and graphic design. I’d never taught anything before, but the topics were squarely in my wheelhouse so I gave it a go. I found I loved teaching, and was especially effective at teaching beginner level courses. So that’s been my zone of excellence ever since.

I also discovered the Pareto Principle (i.e. “the 80/20 rule”) which quickly defined my approach to teaching. The 80/20 rule states that for any topic, about 80% of what really makes a difference is in about 20% of the total context. For those who are just entering a new field of interest, the 80/20 rule is truly a “shortcut to success” – provided you focus on the correct 20%. In this class, we do.


Third epiphany: If you’re like most people who have a casual interest in photography, you don’t want to become a “photographer.” You just want to take better photos – which you WILL DO after taking this class.


I’ve packed 20+ years of professional experience behind and around cameras, and 15+ years personal experience teaching children and adults, into my Introduction to Digital Photography class. If you’re truly a beginner, this $100 course will dramatically improve your photos of people, places and things in only one afternoon.

Keep scrolling down to learn more about the course, and see classwork from previous students (as well as some of my own photography thru the years.)

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Now Available!

Mr.Puff’s v2022

to Digital Photography

Your shortcut to a
lifetime of great photos!

Now Available!

Mr.Puff’s v2022

to Digital Photography

Your 1-day shortcut to
a lifetime of better photos!

You don’t need to be a “photographer”  to take better photos. This course shows you exactly how to shoot great photos NOW!